Naslovnica Sport Prvih 20 Bad Blue Boysa pušteno iz zatvora u Grčkoj

Prvih 20 Bad Blue Boysa pušteno iz zatvora u Grčkoj

Ultra group Bad Blue Boys (BBB)'s members stand behind a banner reading 'freedom to the dinamo' and the crossed-out portrait of Dinamo Zagreb's former executive chairman Zdravko Mamic, in front of the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb on March 9, 2023, as the football club assembly is held in the hotel. Fans gather in support of Dinamo Zagreb staff who want to abolish the influence of former executive chairman Zdravko Mamic, who was sentenced to six and a half years imprisonment for stealing money from the football club, but has fled to Bosnia and Herzegovina from where he is trying to run the club. (Photo by Denis LOVROVIC / AFP)

U grčkim zatvorima se zbog istrage nalaze 105 navijača Dinama. Prvih 20 uhapšenih navijača počelo je izlaziti iz grčkih zatvora.

Sud je odlučio prihvatiti 20 zahtjeva, ali uz uvjete da se tim pritvorenicima zabranjuje ulazak u Grčku radi praćenja sportskih događaja, a prije nego što ih se pusti da se brane sa slobode, moraju platiti novčanu jamčevinu od 1000 eura po optuženiku, piše 24sata.